About Me

I am a software developer on a continual search for how to do my job better. I have hands on experience with a number of programming languages including C++, Python, Java and Groovy. I also have practical experience with software development tools such as Subversion, Mercurial, unit test frameworks (cppunit, UnitTest++, JUnit, TestNG), bug/issue trackers (Bugzilla, JIRA, Fogbugz), documentation tools (Doxygen, LaTeX, reStructuredText, DocBook). I administer servers to host version control repository and web software for assisting in collaboration on software development tasks.

My day job involves software development and project management for the Virtual Maritime System: a High Level Architecture (HLA) based virtual environment focussed on the maritime domain. This work involves knowledge of distributed simulation, networking, physics, and mathematics (geometry, calculus).

The Know Thy Tools site provides notes I make as I improve my existing skills and learn about new topics and tools related to software development. This is motivated by the adage that you don't really know something until you teach it. I hope you find something useful in these pages.

You will encounter links to Amazon within my postings and on the site's sidebar. These links contain my  Amazon Affiliate code and if you go on to purchase the item I will receive a small percentage (four to six percent) of the sale. Note that the price you pay is the regular pricing from Amazon. It is not increased to cover my percentage.

All content on this site, unless sourced from a third party and referenced as such, is licensed CC-BY.

I exist on the web at other sites such as:

All the best.